Current timetable
Open Days and Timetable
The timetable below shows all currently planned open days. Please note that all dates are subject to change, potentially at short notice. More information can be found below. Please check here before you travel or by ringing our number for the latest information.
Trains run between 10.00am and 3.30pm.
Our services are not timetabled but are flexible to meet demand.
Steam or Diesel Train operates to 3.00pm, then petrol hauled service
A standard trip involves a 1km journey around our loop track.
Motive power is dependent on weather and driver availability. Check the home page banner here for latest information about the next running day. However, all plans are subject to change without notice due to fire regulations, volunteer unavailability, Covid-19 restrictions or other unforeseen events. Please check here or ring our number for up to date information before travelling from afar.
Dates in italics are provisional and will be confirmed shortly.
Month | Days | Date | Remarks |
February | Saturday | 8 | Museum open and trains running |
Sunday | 9 | ATTM Planning Day - museum closed and no trains. | |
March | Saturday | 1 | Dindi Daze 2025 collaboration. Museum open. Trains running. |
Sunday | 9 | Labour Day Long Weekend open day. Trains running | |
Sunday | 29 | Cycle Dindi day. Museum open and trains running | |
April | Sunday | 6 | Museum open and trains running |
Saturday | 19 | Easter gala. Trains running | |
Sunday | 20 | Easter gala. Trains running | |
Saturday | 26 | ANZAC Day weekend festival. Trains running | |
May | Saturday | 10 | Museum open and trains running |
Sunday | 25 | Museum open and trains running | |
June | Sunday | 8 | Truck Show weekend. Trains showing off, too |
July and August | No public opening scheduled yet but come back for more information. Working bees for volunteers and general maintenance | ||
September | Saturday | 13 | Museum open and trains running |
Sunday | 28 | Museum open and trains running | |
October | |||